Cor CT bone windows

Cor CT bone windows

Findings: Near complete opacification of the left maxillary sinus with a defect (a) in the orbital process of the maxilla (floor of the orbit) and a bone fragment (b) in the dependent portion of the sinus. Globe (gl) is intact. Inferior rectus muscle (ir) is not displaced. Orbital plate (op) of frontal bone. Ethmoid bone: Lamina papyracea (lp), Roof (rf), Cribiform plate (crib), Crista galli (cg) and Perpendicular plate (pp). Middle turbinate (mt). Inferior turbinate (it). Foramen for the infraorbital nerve and vessels (ionv). Fronto-zygomatic suture (fzs). Greater wing of the sphenoid bone (gws). Hard palate (hp). Alveolar maxillary ridge (alv). Zygoma (zy).